Living With Irish Twins

It's About That Time Again...

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Friday, May 13, 2016

I feel like I just did this... really its because I did. Now that Jace is an independent eater, it's Sky's turn for solids. But this time around I know I need to find a few ways to make it easier. With Jace, I tossed out the jars of (....I don't know whats' in those jars, but I'm not eating it...) - Yeah. I made all of his baby food with a little steamer/blender and he loved it. So, I'm all about doing it again. We've just started with a few basics, a week at a time; banana, avocado and sweet potatoes so far.

This guy kills me with his expressions. He's all about the food too. He knows what's up. ;)

This is the Nuby Garden Fresh Mash n' Feed Set. It's great for just whipping up a quick baby meal. You'll notice there's a textured interior in the bowl to help mash the food into a puree. I've found this to be really handy on-the-go; and for when Jace is napping, but Sky is hungry and I don't want to use the blender.

Grabby hands!! Lol. I was thinking he wouldn't like the avocado, but he did!! Just goes to show you never know... The Nuby Hot Safe Spoons are also great, they change color if the food is too hot and they are just the right size for Sky's mouth. He's 6 months now, and teething, so anything that goes in his mouth needs to feel good on his little gums.

So, the avacados went well. :D I use this bowl every day for the quick preparation of his meals. Super easy. If only it would stay this way. As he's getting into more foods, I want to come up with some sort of baby food plan and storage, but we'll save that for another day.

Also, another product I've been using every day while we're in these beginning stages; is the Nuby Squeeze Feeder with Spoon and Hygienic Cover.
This thing is AWESOME. Throw it in the fridge, in the bag, and GO. That's one thing I hated about starting solids with Jace; I didn't get the right tools I needed to be able to go out and about, regardless of if it was meal time. Now, baby is going to get messy. Obviously. But for some reason, he gets a little less messy with this. I think its because he tries to grab the actual feeder and hold it, instead of sticking his hands all over the spoon with food.

The Squeeze Feeder is made of soft silicone and comes with an easy, snap on cover for the spoon. If he doesn't finish the portion (3oz), I just snap the cover back on and put it away. Now worries, really easy. So far, so good!! It's funny how motherhood is a mix of wanting them to stay right where they are, and being so proud as they learn a new step. Gone are the days of just nursing on demand, no prep needed. But with the first solids, comes a whole new world of teaching and tasting. You would think with 3 kids, you would have everything down by now! But I'm always learning something new...

Click here to buy Nuby Squeeze Feeder

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